Our Mission: “Reviving Agrarian Traditional Skills for All Ages” through the teaching of valuable, community oriented skills while creating natural, fiber based items and related heirloom activities for sustainable quality of life.
Our Process: Progressive instruction designed to nurture experiential learning opportunities through fun, interactive workshops, and individualized instruction.
Our Passion: Maximize the individual’s ability for intentional design, creation, and improvement of items, ensuring optimal end-use while associating the physical experience with character and emotional development.
ArtCords ~ AgSkills is dedicated to:
- Providing resources and training for individuals from all parts of the globe who desire availability of high quality and improvements of items for use on horses, mules, and other animals
- Considering the health and comfort of our four-legged-friends through gathering and sharing of personal experiences with ongoing dialogue relating to materials and methods of craftsmanship in Equine gear
- Promoting greater understanding and awareness of cinch alignment and fit for improved horse and mule health/performance through scientific inquiry
- Seeking avenues for ongoing public education and future growth in availability of fine-animal-hair items
- Supportive interaction with individuals, groups, and organizations dedicated to the public benefit by sharing the joy of fiber and arts through public education and training in areas emphasizing heirloom cultivation of plants, animal fibers for Cord/Rope Making, skilled Saddle Making, and Associated Trades